
Terms of use

Legal Effect of this Exemption from Liability


In all its publications, METRO LOGISTICS strives to observe the copyrights associated with the graphics, video sequences and texts used, or to use its own self-created graphics, video sequences and texts, or to offer graphics, video sequences and texts from the public domain.

The trade names and trademarks used in our Internet presence, which may be protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the regulations associated with the applicable label rights and ownership rights of their respective registered owners. Simply because a trademark is mentioned, it should not be assumed that it is not protected by third-party rights.

The copyright for any published objects created by METRO LOGISTICS remains the property of METRO LOGISTICS. Any duplication or use of such graphics, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited without the explicit permission of METRO LOGISTICS.

In particular no rights whatsoever pertaining to the company name, or other intellectual property rights such as brands, designs, patents or utility models belonging to METRO AG or their affiliated companies shall be granted to the user without the express prior consent of METRO AG.

Any unauthorised or legally abusive usage of intellectual property belonging to METRO AG and their affiliated companies represents an infringement of proprietary rights and/or competition law.

Copyright and other industrial property rights

In all its publications, METRO LOGISTICS strives to observe the copyrights associated with the graphics, video sequences and texts used, or to use its own self-created graphics, video sequences and texts, or to offer graphics, video sequences and texts from the public domain.

The trade names and trademarks used in our Internet presence, which may be protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the regulations associated with the applicable label rights and ownership rights of their respective registered owners. Simply because a trademark is mentioned, it should not be assumed that it is not protected by third-party rights.

The copyright for any published objects created by METRO LOGISTICS remains the property of METRO LOGISTICS. Any duplication or use of such graphics, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited without the explicit permission of METRO LOGISTICS.

In particular no rights whatsoever pertaining to the company name, or other intellectual property rights such as brands, designs, patents or utility models belonging to METRO LOGISTICS or their affiliated companies shall be granted to the user without the express prior consent of METRO LOGISTICS.

Any unauthorised or legally abusive usage of intellectual property belonging to METRO LOGISTICS and their affiliated companies represents an infringement of proprietary rights and/or competition law.