
Dilligence in the supply chain

Our commitment to human rights

Respect for human rights and environmental concerns are among the core values of  METRO. We have anchored this in the general declaration of values of METRO AG, the parent company of METRO LOGISTICS. As a responsible partner for our customers, suppliers and business partners as well as our own employees, we are part of society and global supply chains. Acting responsibly with a view to the future and the impact of our business on society and the environment and, in turn, the impact on our business are of key importance to us.

Since January 1, 2023, the Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act has regulated the corporate responsibility to avoid violations of human rights and environmental concerns in the supply chain and in our own business area and has also applied to METRO LOGISTICS since the beginning of 2024.
According to this, we are obliged to adequately observe human rights and certain environmental due diligence obligations in our own business area and our supply chain. The obligations include, in particular, the establishment of appropriate risk management, which includes risk analysis as well as measures to prevent and, if necessary, remedy identified risks or violations.

Overview of legal aspects

With reference to the human and labor rights defined by the United Nations (UN) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Supply Chain Act lists in particular the following human rights and environmental risks :

Human rights risks

  • Child labor, forced labor and slavery
  • Disregard for occupational health and safety
  • Disregard for freedom of association
  • Unequal treatment in employment
  • Withholding of appropriate wages
  • Harmful environmental damage (soil, water, air, noise)
  • Unlawful eviction and deprivation of land, forests and waters
  • Violation of human rights by security forces

Environmental risks

In addition, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act also refers to environmental risks that have a direct impact on human health. This includes:

  • Dealing with mercury products
  • Handling persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
  • Transboundary movements of hazardous waste and their disposal

Policy Statement on human rights

We are convinced that entrepreneurial success can only be sustainable if it is in harmony with respect for human rights and environmental concerns. We therefore take our corporate responsibility to respect human rights and environmental concerns seriously. Through a risk-based management approach and an effective grievance mechanism, human rights and environmental risks can be identified, assessed, addressed through appropriate preventive measures and - if necessary - corrected through suitable remedial action. We describe how we do this in our policy statement on human rights (german only).

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

We see it as our duty to make a positive contribution to respecting human rights and environmental concerns. This applies to our own business operations as well as to our suppliers. We work with our suppliers and expect them to comply with human rights and the relevant international labour, social and environmental standards. In our Code of Conduct for Business Partners, we therefore set out the requirements that METRO LOGISTICS requires its business partners to fulfil in their business relationships with us.

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners is an integral part of the contractual agreements between METRO LOGISTICS and the business partner and defines the minimum standards in the areas of human rights and environmental protection.

Complaint Mechanism

Our complaint mechanism offers a confidential and at the same time clearly structured way of dealing with reports of risks or violations of human rights or environmental protection issues, such as forced labour, child labour, discrimination or harmful contamination of soil, water and air, as well as harmful noise emissions and excessive water consumption that are related to our company, our supply chain or our employees. 
Complaints and information can be submitted here - anonymously if desired. The process is described in detail in the rules of procedure here.
People who wish to submit complaints about human rights or environmental risks or breaches of duty without using a digital tool can also continue to get in touch with their known contact within METRO LOGISTICS or with menschenrechtsbeauftragte@metro-logistics.de


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