

Our Business Principles

METRO LOGISTICS acts on the basis of a wide range of legal regulations and self-imposed standards of conduct of METRO. In order to comply with these rules in day-to-day corporate practice, a group-wide Compliance Programme was adopted in 2007. It bundles all measures for rule-compliant behavior.

Compliance is not an end in itself: Lawful, honest and responsible action serves our customers, the employees and ultimately our company.

Simply right

Compliance is, above all, a question of good corporate culture. We can create that culture only if we work together. Our compliance values and the METRO business principles help us in our day-to-day business

  • to safeguard the interests of our customers and METRO LOGISTICS,

  • to be an attractive employer and

  • to protect the company and its employees from harm.

Our business principles are an important part of our compliance culture. Compliance with our business principles is part of our DNA and our

promise also towards our customers. Acting against our business principles will not be tolerated by our community or by our company.

Here you will find our business principles as well as further information on METRO's Compliance Programme. 


Compliance Reporting

Information on possible compliance incidents by employees or external parties is an important instrument for uncovering, remedying and sanctioning misconduct in the company. Employees and external third parties can report suspected or existing misconduct.

There are various ways to do this: METRO LOGISTICS has established a local reporting office. The contact person is the Compliance Officer of METRO LOGISTICS.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding compliance, our Compliance Reporting Office will be happy to assist you.




Compliance Officer
Schlüterstr. 5
40235 Düsseldorf

In addition to the local reporting office, the group-wide METRO Compliance Reporting System is also available. The Compliance Reporting System can be accessed both internally and externally via this link. 

Reports can also be submitted anonymously.

Data protection notice for whistleblowers